Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My motivation

I graduated in 2010 from the University of the Pacific Dugoni School of Dentistry, and afterwards, had the privilege of completing a one-year General Practice Residency at the VA Medical Center in Long Beach, CA.  Both parts of my dental education were amazing, and I've learned so much clinically and also about myself as a clinician.  And yet, I've so much to learn when it comes to the other side of dentistry... the business side!

I've now moved back to the SF Bay Area, which I will always call home, and am happy to be starting my life as a new dentist... in what we call "the real world."  The reason I felt compelled to start this blog is that there are so many questions a new dentist will have when they first start out, and while I KNOW that there is no way for me to conquer them all alone, I can share what I discover and hope others will benefit from the notes I take while on this pathway. 

I will try to refrain from discussing as much clinical aspects of dentistry as possible, and solely focus on the new employment adventure that my classmates, colleagues, and I are about to embark upon!

And no... I'm not affiliated at all with TheNewDentist although I do think they really are a great resource!